We are taking a three-pronged approach to improve public mobility in Bangalore.

  • Policy intervention – Create citizen pressure against policies that would result in increased vehicular traffic in the city.  This year we mobilised over 5,000 citizens to send policy suggestions on the Comprehensive Mobility Plan, Bangalore’s Parking policy among others. 
  • Promote Non- motorised Transport –  We have been working towards improving cycling infrastructure in the city of Bangalore and inviting applications for local changemakers who will promote cycling in their wards. We are also collaborating with other organizations to promote street pedestrianisation. 
  • Mobilising citizens against road widening projects – Traffic analysis has revealed that large scale road-widening projects would result in increased vehicular traffic in Bangalore, apart from other negative environmental impacts. Just this year, we got over 50,000+ people to ensure due process was followed and environmental clearance sorted before the projects are given a go-ahead.
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