State Government’s assure fair dues for ASHA Workers!

Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) workers are an all-India, women-led force that played a vital role during COVID-19. The Indian Government enlisted ASHA workers to provide a crucial service of surveying households to document and report cases of the coronavirus, work in the hospitals and improve hyper-local sanitisation during the pandemic. Still, it was paying them an insulting, paltry compensation of 33 INR per day.

Following this, concerned citizens got together to launch a campaign on The pressure of the campaign resulted in the Maharashtra government declaring Rs. 2000 per month increment for ASHA workers, and block facilitators have been receiving Rs. 3000 per month from 1st July 2020.

Our pan India campaign that was demanding increased compensation and sanitation kits for ASHA workers resulted in the Karnataka government coming forward and accepting ASHA workers’ demand for raised salaries.

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